Tuesday, June 1, 2010

6/1 Workout and Thoughts from the Weekend

So the weekend was pretty awesome. Went to the zoo with the family and our friends Crissy and John and their kiddos Sarah and Jacob. Both of my girls love being outside so it was a good way to start the weekend.

Sunday morning I got to go jogging with my oldest in hopes that Cindy would get to sleep in. Nice to have someone to talk to as you run even if it's a 3 year old.

Yesterday I got to hit the gym by myself. When you're used to working out with a small crowd around 5 AM regularly it's a shock to workout with a full gym. Very odd.

We also went shopping at the outlet mall. Under Armour (sp?) was running a great deal on thier tighter fitting shirts. $15 each or something. I had one in my hand when my inner fat kid came busting through. He said "WTF??? Your love handles are far too big to wear that. Everyone will stare and snicker." So I put it back. Hit up a nice sale at the Gap outlet though. Need some 34 shorts. Everything I have falls off my ass at the moment.

Today's Workout:

Cardio: 1 mile in 9:46

Deadlifts: 135 x 20, 185 x 8, 225 x 8, 275 x 8, 315 x 8, 365 x 5 Straps added for last 2 sets

Various ab exercises from a plank position w/ no rest period 10 minutes
Squats: 135 x 12, 185 x 10, 225 x 5, 275 x 5, 315 x 5

Spinning: 20 minutes

Projected Macros:

Cals: 2006 P: 230 C: 95 F: 75

Weight: 197.5

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